Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Face Painting: Thanks Animal Harbor

Face Painting and learning about dogs and cats. What could be more fun?    Its hard to grasp all gifts that Animal Harbor gives to our community in a small part by providing a safe and loving place for animals to stay while waiting for their forever home.  Stop by the shelter to adopt your furry friend or just to see all the great work they do.  Please don't miss Animal Harbor's table at the Angelfest.  

In 2015, Animal Harbor
  • Admitted 601 pets 
    • 129 dogs
    • 307 puppies
    • 59 cats
    • 98 kittens
    • 1 rabbit
    • 2 pot-bellied pigs
    • 4 Guinea pigs
    • 1 ferret
  • Placed 172 dogs, and 142 cats and 8 other pets in local homes
  • Sent 200 dogs to shelters in the North on the PetSmart Rescue Waggin'
  • Helped to curb the pet overpopulation problem, they provided assistance for 248 low-income families to have their pets spayed and neutered.
If these numbers have your head spinning  and your jaw dropping  in admiration for all these dedicated folks continue to accomplish Stop by their tent.

Don't forget to get a ticket to have your face painted.   This wouldn't be possible without the help of Christie Carl and Candi Birch who are volunteering their time and artistic skills to make sure there are lots of happy kids with great painted faces.

Image result for lemon fair sewanee  Face painting will take place in the air-conditioned Lemon Fair shop this year.  Thanks to The Lemon Fair for the use of their shop and AC too.   

Animal Harbor is located at 56 Nor-Nan Road, Winchester, TN. This is just off AEDC Road (Hwy 127)
Tuesday-Friday: Noon - 5:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM